About The Ortho Guide

Dr. Shaun Goh
Founder of

The Ortho Guide© launched in 2021 by Dr. Shaun Goh, then a final year orthodontic registrar at the University of Adelaide. Dr. Goh is now an Australian board-certified registered specialist orthodontist. Dr. Goh noticed 3 common orthodontic questions by dental professionals:
1. What problems should I look for?
2. When is the correct time for referral or treatment?
3. What treatment options are there?
The evidence-based answers to these questions were present in numerous orthodontic journals and textbooks but these were often tedious to find or hard to interpret. No one presented such vital information in an easy-to-access and universal platform before. The Ortho Guide© was created to address this problem and deliver a comprehensive orthodontic guide to all dental professionals.
The mission of The Ortho Guide© is to provide a free, easily accessible and high quality evidence-based orthodontic guide for all dental practitioners.