Missing teeth (Hypodontia)

Author: Dr Shaun Goh


Treatment Indications & Timings

Clinical Assessment & Presentations

Diagnosis & Considerations

Treatment Options

Associated Problems

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Missing teeth (Hypodontia)

“Hypodontia is when there is a developmental absence of one or more teeth, excluding third molars.”
Goodman et al. 1994

Missing teeth (hypodontia) most often affects lower second premolars (3%), upper second premolars (3%), upper lateral incisors (2%) and lower incisors (<1%). It is associated with microdontia, diminutive lateral incisors, ectopic canines and some developmental disorders and syndromes.

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Treatment Indications & Timings

Treatment indications

Aesthetic concerns of spaces
Aesthetic concerns abnormally shaped teeth
Retained or infra-occluded primary teeth
Associated ectopic teeth

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Clinical Assessment & Presentations

Intra-oral Features

Asymmetric eruption

Retained primary tooth

Microdontia / diminutive teeth

Diagnosis & Considerations


  • Agenesis
  • Missing due to environmental factors

Clinical Considerations

  • The overall malocclusion
  • The smile and shape of the teeth

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Treatment Options

Click a treatment category to explore.

Early treatment
Comprehensive orthodontics

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Associated Problems

Ectopic canines | Ectopic incisors | Spacing | Infra-occlusion

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