Missing teeth (Hypodontia) – detailed

Treatment Indications & Timings

Treatment indications

Aesthetic concerns of spaces

Missing teeth is an aesthetic concern and has an adverse impact on the quality of life (Wong et al. 2006). It is an indication for treatment particularly if anterior spaces and the smile are asymmetric.

Aesthetic concerns abnormally shaped teeth

Microdontia or diminutive teeth are associated with hypodontia. Appearance of peg lateral and missing lateral incisors can significantly affect the smile and is an indication for treatment.

Retained or infra-occluded primary teeth

Missing permanent teeth are associated with retained primary teeth. These teeth can sometimes be ankylosed leading to infra-occlusion and tipping of the adjacent teeth. This may introduce a malocclusion.

Associated ectopic teeth

Missing or diminutive upper lateral incisors are associated with ectopic upper canines (Broadbent 1941, Beck et al. 2015, Liuk et al. 2014). Ectopic upper canines should be assessed for interceptive and comprehensive orthodontic treatment.

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