
Author: Dr Shaun Goh


Treatment Indications & Timings

Clinical Assessment & Presentations

Diagnosis & Considerations

Treatment Options

Associated Problems

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“Spacing can occur in the primary, mixed and permanent dentition. Spacing can be considered physiologic (normal) or abnormal. The most common presentation is spacing between incisors, in particular a maxillary midline diastema.”
Cobourne and DiBiase 2010

Spacing can be described in their respective dentitions and if they are associated with a location or problem.

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Treatment Indications & Timings

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Clinical Assessment & Presentations

Intra-oral Features

Spacing in primary dentition

Central diastema

Generalised spaced dentition

Diagnosis & Considerations


  • Tooth-jaw size descrepancy
  • Secondary spacing

Clinical Considerations

  • Soft tissue equilibrium and relapse
  • Transient spacing

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Treatment Options

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Early treatment
Comprehensive orthodontics

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Associated Problems

Ectopic canines | Ectopic premolars | Ectopic molars | Class II

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