Supernumerary teeth – detailed

Diagnosis & Considerations

Supernumerary classified by location and type

Supernumeraries can be classified by their location (i.e. anterior maxilla) and type (i.e. conical, tubcerulate, supplemental, odontome).

Supernumerary associated with syndromes

Syndromic conditions such as Cleft lip and palate, Cleidocranial dysostosis, Gardner syndrome, Ellis-van Creveld and Iconinentia pigmenti are associated with supernumerary teeth. Importantly, patients who have supernumeraries may not necessarily have syndromes.

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Clinical Considerations

Asymptomatic supernumeraries

If the supernumerary is unerupted, asymptomatic and not interfering with dental development, oral health or dental treatment then it should be left alone. At times these teeth can erupt and at that stage simple extraction can be performed.

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