Author: Dr Shaun Goh
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Ectopic molar
“An ectopic molar is a deviation of normal eruption affecting any of the three permanent molars.”
– Proffit et al. 2013

Impacted upper first permanent molar and E

Mesioangular impacted second permanent molar

Impacted lower second and third molars

Mesioangular impacted lower third molar

Ectopic upper third molar
(in maxillary antrum)

Ectopic lower third molar with associated pathology (dentrigous cyst)
Treatment Indications & Timings
Early treatment indications:
➤ Irreversible impaction of a first permanent molar and E
➤ Ectopic first or second molar
➤ Pathology or obstruction associated with eruption paths
Comprehensive treatment indications:
➤ Ectopic first molar
➤ Ectopic second molar
➤ Impacted third molar with symptoms, pathology or risks
Clinical Assessment & Presentations
Intraoral Features

Erupted or unerupted ectopic molars

Posterior crowding

Associations with other ectopic teeth
Diagnosis & Considerations
- Direction of ectopia – mesio, distal, buccal, lingual, inferior, superior
- Reversible or irreversible impaction
- Obstruction caused impaction or ectopic eruption path
Clinical Considerations
- Ideal timing for interceptive treatment
Treatment Options
Click a treatment category to explore.
➤ Ectopic first molar
➤ Ectopic second molar
➤ Ectopic third molar
Associated Problems
Early loss of deciduous teeth | Crowding | Ectopic canines