Decompensation orthodontics and maxillary impaction surgery with mandibular autorotation

Level of evidence: Moderate
Suitable for ages:
16+ years old
Class II skeletal malocclusion (mandible retrognathia, maxilla prognathism), dolichocephalic facial pattern, downward backward rotated mandible, vertical maxillary excess, Class II dental malocclusion, anterior open bite
Brachyfacial growth pattern, forward and upward rotated mandible, deep bite

Treatment Objectives and Biomechanics

  • Decompensate upper and lower incisors
  • Surgical impaction of the maxilla
  • Autorotation of the mandible +/- mandibular advancement surgery
  • Ideal facial pattern and dental finish

Appliances and surgery

  • Fixed appliances
  • Maxilla impaction surgery (Proffit et al. 1991 & 2007, Milhalik et al. 2003)
  • +/- mandibular advancement surgery

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