Orthodontics and mandibular autorotation for Class II treatment

Level of evidence: Low to moderate
Suitable for ages: 12+ years old
Indications: Class II skeletal malocclusion (mandible retrognathia, maxilla prognathism), dolichocephalic facial pattern, downward backward rotated mandible, vertical maxillary excess, Class II dental malocclusion, anterior open bite
Contraindications: Brachyfacial growth pattern, forward and upward rotated mandible, deep bite

Treatment Objectives and Biomechanics

  • Posterior maxillary dental intrusion
  • Mandible autorotation forward and upward
  • Class II dental correction
  • Increase anterior overbite


  • Fixed appliances with TADS – molar intrusion (Buchang et al. 2002 & 2011, Lee and Park 2008)
  • Clear aligners with TADS – molar intrusion (clear aligners alone without TADS have been to be unpredictable for true molar intrusion) (Robertson 2019, Hamilton 2020)
  • Headgears – maxillary restraint types, cervical pull etc. (however compliance was a significant limitation to molar intrusion and autorotation) (Gkantidis et al. 2011)

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