Example appliance: Class III elastics with fixed appliances
Level of evidence: Moderate
Suitable for ages: 12+ years old
Indications: Class III dental malocclusion, lower incisors proclined, Class I or mild Class III skeletal base, up to mild mandible prognathic skeletal base
Contraindications: Retroclined lower incisors, severe Class III skeletal base, moderate to severe maxilla retrognathia, growing mandible prognathic Class III skeletal base
This treatment option can be used in conjunction with lower arch retraction orthodontics and other orthopaedic corrections.
Treatment Objectives and Biomechanics
- Dentoalveolar compensation of Class III malocclusion
- Retrocline upper incisors
- Space generation for retraction by IPR, extraction, distalisation or expansion
- Fixed appliances
- Clear aligners
- Skeletal appliances – TADS (mini-screws and bone plates)