Mid-arch extrusion comprehensive orthodontics

Example appliance: Fixed appliances with reverse curve arch wires

Level of evidence: High
Suitable for ages: 12+ years old
Indications: Anterior deep bite, normal to retroclined incisors, normal incisor display, normal to increased alveolar width, curve of Spee present, normal to hypodivergent skeletal patterns
Contraindications: Hyperdivergent skeletal patterns, proclined incisors, severe over-eruption of incisors, narrow alveolar width, any acquired orthodontic risks

Treatment Objectives and Biomechanics

  • Extrude molars and premolars
  • Procline incisors (relative intrusion)
  • Level the curve of Spee (mandible)
  • Open the overbite

Appliances / Treatment modalities

  • Fixed appliances
  • Clear aligners
  • Functional appliances – Clark Twin Block etc.

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