Also known as “Early palatal expansion”

Example appliance: Hybrid hyrax appliance for maxillary expansion in the mixed dentition
Level of evidence: Moderate
Suitable for ages: 8+ years old (there is only very weak evidence for expansion at ages younger than this or in the primary dentition; the current evidence has advised caution for facial distortions caused when performing orthopaedic expansion too early)
Indications: Transversely constricted maxilla, narrow palate, bilateral and unilateral posterior crossbites
Contraindications: Absence of a transversely constricted maxilla, expansion only for crowding
Treatment Objectives and Biomechanics
- Orthopaedic expansion of maxilla
- Elimination of posterior crossbites
- Eliminate/manage/refer for causative factors (e.g. adenoiditis and tonsilitis)
Appliances / Treatment modalities
- Fixed appliances – Hybrid hyrax palatal expander (bonded or banded), Quad-helix, W-expanders, Fan expanders etc.
- Removable appliances – removable expanders