How do braces and aligners work?


Braces work by using brackets and wires to move teeth within the jaw bone. They are the gold standard of orthodontic treatment for managing crowding, spacing and incorrect bites. Braces can be used in early treatment or complete treatments. They may have metallic or clear brackets with different colours or plain o-rings which are placed on the brackets at each appointment.

Clear aligners:

Clear aligners are a series of plastic trays which sequentially move teeth within the jaw bone. There are many companies which produce clear aligners – some of the large brands are Invisalign, Clear Correct and Spark. Clear aligners are commonly used today for child and adult orthodontic treatments.

Braces vs. Clear aligners?

Braces and clear aligners are simply orthodontic appliances used to treat orthodontic problems. As with any medical treatment, orthodontics relies on the proper diagnosis and treatment planning (not the appliance choice) to achieve the ideal results. An orthodontist can use either appliance to treat the majority of orthodontic problems. There are some malocclusions where braces are more predictable (e.g. extraction cases, deep bites, rotations etc.) and some where clear aligners are more predictable (e.g. open bites, minor alignment etc.) so your orthodontist or dentist will be able to recommend what is best for you or your child.

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